Sandra Bonacina

Viktor Denoth
Erfindung des T-BOW® / Produktentwicklung
Entwicklung T-BOW® Trainings-Therapie Programme
Organisation T-BOW® Kurse und Ausbildungen
Eidg. Dipl. Physiotherapeutin / Master of Sports ETH Zürich
Hochschulsportlehrerin ASVZ ETH Zürich, Ex-Dozentin Fitness ETH ZH
Email: sabofit@t-bow.ch
Tel: +41 (0)79 413 20 80
Produktentwicklung des T-BOW® / Produktion / Verkauf
Personal Trainingsexperte Sport, Fitness, Bergsport
T-BOW® Circuit Instructor & Personal Trainer
Ex-Hochschulsportlehrer ASVZ ETH Zürich
Email: viktor.denoth@t-bow.ch
Tel: +41 (0)76 396 00 64
Invention of the T-BOW® / product development
Creation of programs for training and therapie
Organisation of courses and education
Physical therapist / Master of sports
Sportslecturer and university sportsteacher
Product development of the T-BOW® / production / sale
Personal training expert of sport, fitness, alpine sports
T-BOW® Cirquit instructor & Personal trainer
University sportsteacher
Standort T-BOW® Schweiz
SABOFIT T-BOW® International
In Stierwisen 7
8602 Wangen / ZH
Email: sabofit@t-bow.ch
Web: t-bow.com / t-bow.ch